I want all of you who pre-ordered to stand up, introduce yourself and say ". We want it so bad, we'll gladly offer our money beforehand and tell our dealer he can ship whatever tosh he wants-he already has his payday.

Even if that hit is poorly fabricated and miles away from the strength and beauty it once seduced us with.

In truth, we are addicts, hungry for our next hit. Fallout 4 is a mess, littered with issues that leave the modding community to fix or mend them, without proper modding tools as of yet! Bethesda will continue to do this as long as they can still get away with it, relying on the pre-order culture that is plaguing us all and knowing all their mistakes will be fixed without their effort. What has become painfully obvious is that our fears have yet again been proven justified. Grass cannot be fully disabled and textures cannot be "skipped" like Skyrim could. However, he laments that most of Fallout 4's graphics settings are hardcoded and impossible to change. The author says he has noticed a 5fps bump between normal Low and ULG's Ultra Low. The ULG (Ultra Low Graphics) mod reduces load for "old/weak desktops and most laptops" by means of decreasing quality and memory features that would strain the machine. And last but not least, a Fallout 4 mod that serves to improve performance for low end machines.