After her death, Zero cried out in agony, for the first time questioning if there was anything left to fight for.Free-Pictures-Megaman-Backgrounds Resolution: 1920x1080 mega man 1080p windows Resolution: 2732x1536 mega man wallpapers 1080p high quality, (139 kB) Resolution: 2560x1440 1024Ã≷68 Â

It was at this point that she admitted point-blank that she had feelings for Zero, admitting that the utopia was a myth, but claiming she wanted to be there with him. Zero defeated her, and rushed to her side instantly after but it was too late at this point, as Iris was already dying from program failure caused. Like the Repliforce scientists had discovered, her system wouldn't accept the fighting spirit and frequently rejected it as she fought. She waited for Zero in a laboratory ready to avenge her brother, where she used Colonel's fighting will to gain a powerful body armor. When her brother was later destroyed at the hands of Zero, the pain drove Iris mad and she made a trip to the Final Weapon. Repliforce scientists had struggled to make these two factors into one Reploid, but the differences were irreconcilable, so they split them into brother and sister Reploids. Her half was of the compassionate and peaceful one, and Colonel's was of the strong-willed Reploid warrior. Colonel, her brother, was the other half. Iris was developed by Repliforce scientists as half of the "Perfect Soldier program".